WorkForce Management


At JSITG we are committed to helping our clients not just match job to employee but fitting temperament to culture. JSITG understands that investing in your workforce leads to greater productivity and increased market share. We are aware that for our clients finding the right person for the job is often nerve-racking and frustrating. The JSITG Workforce Management team helps ease this pain by providing you a comprehensive and personalized method to help you build a world-class team when you need it.

JSITG has earned a commendable reputation in workforce management through our fine tuned recruitment process. We take particular pride in our ‘never lost a client due to dissatisfaction in service’ record! Our warranty and replacement service speaks of the confidence we have in our process.

JSITG adopts a multi level recruiting strategy that includes real and digital recruiting methods to bring in productive talent from a larger geographic area. We have built and maintain an exceptional, in-house pool of pre-screened, well-qualified candidates and vendors on its database. We have a clear competitive edge because of our access to our student network via the JSITG University. However some of our best candidates are solicited on a pro-active basis through referrals from current and past employees, networking in job fairs and industry meetings.

JSITG is also adept at using digital media outlets to reach employees. We solicit candidates by posting jobs on internet portals, user forums and special interest groups. We also invest into industry specific internet job portals and social media to funnel requirements through network engines for quick responses and especially specific requirements.